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Massage therapy

Relaxation and pain Reliever

Since the beginning of time, humans have instinctively rubbed the part of their body which is painful. Massage therapy provides many benefits for your health. Depending on the technique and application, it can provide deep relaxation, or relieve pain.

Relaxation massage is very effective for reducing the effects of stress and restore energy. By acting on the tissue and the nervous system, it brings comfort and helps to reduce stress.

Therapeutic care works on the fascia and chains of muscles, on tension and spasms, reducing pain and discomfort.

Some therapists will use kinesiotherapy, Swedish massage, therapeutic massage, massage with hot stones, for pregnant women, will use balls of Himalayan salts, will do a lymphatic drainage, massage trigger points, use reflexology or cupping glass therapy.

The body appreciates each of these techniques, and will thank you by giving you a higher sense of well-being.



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Pregnant Women

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Himalayan Salt ball

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Lymphatic Drainage

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Trigger Points

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Reflexology/ Manupuncture

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Cupping Therapy

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